Exclusively Breastfeeding | 10 Month Reflections


My love for breastfeeding took me by surprise. I didn’t see it coming. Nor did I think I’d be exclusively breastfeeding at 10 months! It really is our special time. Our time to reconnect. To be close. Calming for both baby and mummy during those overwhelming moments. And I am so so proud of my body for providing and nourishing my baby girl from her very first feed, moments after she arrived, all the way through to now at 10 months.

Before Aubs arrived, I hadn’t the foggiest how to breastfeed, what first time mum does? I panicked a little before she was born, as it was something I really hoped to do. Once she arrived, I worked hard at it, as like I said, for me it’s something I felt strongly about.

In hospital, I’d call the midwife to help with every feed. When home, the cluster feeds were round the clock but I stuck with it. Dale would sit up with me at night when I was exhausted to keep me awake. I’d then express in the mornings to help increase my supply. I then got a bit obsessed about whether I was producing enough, always questioning myself and my body, which now looking back I realise I didn’t need to. Yet I did.

A few months in, I had the incredible breastfeeding support lady pop round after we battled to get a deep latch/ adjust how I held her as she grew. Then an early Christmas present of two rounds of mastitis, which I thankfully caught early on. Phew. A milk bleb that stuck around for a month. Then the teething games began - which brought on fussy feeds. As she became more alert, she become distracted during feeds - which meant feeding at home/in the car A LOT.

In the depths of my PND, I had a few mention the F word (formula) to me, to help ease the demands of overnight duties, but being the stubborn woman I am, I felt strongly about riding this through. So bed sharing became our best friend. Was it the wisest decision for my mental health? Probably not. But I’m so glad I went with my gut and continued.

All that being said, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I still am totally in awe of our breastfeeding journey, and have a new found respect for my body and boobs. It’s crazy to think that the little dot that she once was, now pulls at my top for milk. Her place not only for nourishment, but a place that calms her when she falls or gets upset, and a place she can feel secure when overwhelmed and overstimulated by the great big world surrounding her.

I always get emotional looking back at her newborn pictures. Milestones are emotional stuff. And our breastfeeding journey fills me with so much pride. 10 months strong! I’m forever grateful for the support I’ve received along the way, because without the mama’s who I’d message in the early hours (you know who you are), my other half, family and friends who always respected my decision to breastfeed exclusively, I may not have been as head strong during the more challenging times.

My liquid gold sure makes me so very proud. And whilst I know and respect that everyone’s feeding journey is their decision, bottle or breast, and this is in no way an attempt to shame formula feeding mums, as a happy baby always comes first. It’s just that I am so proud of what we’ve personally achieved - this is our journey and what felt right for us. I simply hope by sharing my journey, and the picture above, I can do my bit to help normalise breastfeeding here in the UK. As it truly is the most natural thing in the world, and shouldn’t be viewed as weird or strange. A mother nourishing her baby with her body. It’s incredible.

So yes, here’s to celebrating 10 months of liquid gold. Roll on our next milestone, 1 year ‘golden boobies’ here we come!

What’s your experience of breastfeeding? Did/do you breastfeed, express, bottle feed? Please do comment below. I’d love to read about your feeding journey…