Train Travel With Baby Tips


Have you travelled solo with your baby yet? It’s a big step. Well it was for me. Last month Aubs & I went to London... I was freaking out before going (mainly about the weaning part as we were out the house 6am-6pm) but it was honestly fine, and fun! So here are my top tips for travelling with your little one on a train as promised...

PACK THE NIGHT BEFOFE. It’s one less thing to think about/ do in the mornings. We all know there’s enough without added jobs. Be sure to take extra muslin clothes, nappies and a change of clothes too.

ON ARRIVAL, ASK THE STATION STAFF WHERE THE DISABLED ACCESS CARRIAGE IS. I also asked if they’d help me on with my pram, to which they were kindly willing.

USE THE DISABLED SPACE FOR YOUR PRAM (IF NOT IN USE!). On Virgin Trains there’s a half table with two seats by this space for you to sit on too. This was really useful as it meant I didn’t have to try collapse the pram on a busy train solo.

TAKE ANTIBACTERIAL WIPES. The changing facilities were actually in good order however I always take antibac wipes with me to wipe down the changing tray and also the train table, especially if eating, which Aubs was both on the way there and back.

FINGER FOODS FOR BABY. We took easy to eat things like mango, pitta bread, sweet potato, boiled egg, cucumber, porridge, salmon, and banana. Take a mini cool bag with ice pack to keep it fresh.

Do you have any top tips to add? Please pop them in the comments below so others can see and benefit too!