My Birth Story - Home Birth


After an incredible first birth, I was really keen to explore a home birth for my second. I loved the idea of being in my own environment. Having that first feed on the sofa. I trusted my body. This being said I stayed very open incase my birthing path changed - my first birth was an induction after my waters going without contractions - but deep down I so hoped to get my home birth. Plus it would mean not leaving my toddler and facing hospital restrictions. 


I’d been experiencing Braxton Hicks throughout my second and third trimester. Totally painless but nevertheless strong tightenings. These were new to me as it wasn’t something I experienced during my first pregnancy.

As my estimated due date loomed I got a little impatient, I hadn’t reached my due date with my first so again this was new. New emotions to deal with. Come on baby!


In the 40th week, I had 2 false starts. Moments where I thought ‘is this going to be it?!’. Contractions lasting around 2 hours during the night but dying down which left me feeling a little deflated. I had a reflexology appointment booked for 40+3 which was so lovely! If anything for an hour of relaxation to myself.

41 weeks came and I felt good mentally having put a plan in place that I felt confident about. I was going to decline my sweep at my 41 week appointment later that day and instead had booked one for 41+3 to allow my body that extra bit of time to do what I knew it could do in its own time before they started pushing induction.


I woke around 6am on the morning of 41 weeks with period like pains. These died down and to be honest I didn’t want to get excited so I told myself it wouldn’t be it.

I took my little one to the park and by 10.30am I was experiencing pains in my lower back that were radiating down the back of my legs - it was then that I thought this is going to be it. It felt different. Yet I tried to play it down and crack on with my day. We played at the park before returning home to sit on my birth ball and have a camomile tea.

Just before my midwife appointment at 2.30pm more of my mucus plug came away. I went to the midwife feeling well and truly pumped. This was it. I could just feel it and I was excited! I couldn’t sit down in my appointment as adrenaline was pumping, my day had come. I was going to meet our baby.

At this time my surges were around 5-7 minutes apart, but irregular. I declined my sweep and asked that she called me tomorrow to discuss booking induction as I didn’t want that conversation today as I felt like it could throw me when I was feeling so positive.

I went home and played in the garden with my little one in the sunshine - by this point my adrenaline was racing. At 4.30pm my surges were 3 minutes apart and regular. I sat on my birth ball to rest a little before serving dinner at 5pm. I decided not to eat the delicious beef casserole and instead went to shower to prepare myself. I was still absolutely fine and managing at this point.

I phoned the home birth team at 5.15pm to give them a heads up that they were likely to be with me tonight, and got my home birth bag at the ready.

From 6pm the intensity of my surges had increased a notch - I was still able to talk through them as my little one had her bath but I’d begun stopping to sway my hips a little with each surge. I fed her in bed and she was asleep by 6.30pm. 

It was at this point I passed loose stool and took 2 paracetamol before setting up the lounge quickly, dimming the lights, lighting a candle, popping on my TENS machine (I have this on the lowest setting and never press boost) and put in my earphones to listen to my hypnobirthing MP3 - helping me to get in the zone.

My partner called the midwife at 6.45pm updating them - by this point I couldn’t speak during my surges and was focussing on breathing through them. I spoke to her on the phone between surges and she said to give it an hour and to call back if I felt I needed her there... to which I responded that I wouldn’t be needing any pain relief but I would of course love them to be there for baby.

I love to birth without being disturbed - so kept my headphones in with my “spa treatments” Spotify playlist on, stood up leaning on the back of the arm chair, swaying my hips during each surge. This worked well for me during my previous birth, so I stuck with it this time too.

By 7.15pm my partner knew from my breathing that things were intensifying so decided to call the midwife and ask her to come.

At 7.33pm he called again asking if he should call the ambulance as there was no sign of her, but the midwife was 20 minutes away by this point so he didn’t (which I am so pleased about!). 

At 7.35pm my waters went ‘Hollywood style’ which felt like a huge relief. 

At 7.39pm he phoned the midwife and from this point stayed on the phone to her so she could talk him through the next steps. During this time I was left to do my thing - although I did wonder why the heck he was shining his iPhone torch up there and at another point saying “I can see it’s ears”. I later found out that he’d been asked to check these things so the midwife could track my birthing progress.

I then felt an urge to poo and did so.

As baby crowned I felt in control. I knew what to feel even more so this time and totally trusted my body. Waiting for it to tell me to breathe down as I squatted.

With the first down breath babies head crowned. With the second, babies ears could be seen, and with the third she was out. A beautiful baby girl.

At 7.46pm, our miracle arrived earth side, caught by daddy. He passed her to me and I held her little body close to mine. The most magical of moments.

Our lovely midwife then calmly walked threw the door 3 minutes after baby was born - which for us was actually perfect.

I can honestly say that it was such a euphoric moment. Birthing to me is one of the greatest feelings in the world. The adrenaline. The rush of love. And I know to some this may sound crazy, but I treat it as if it’s a challenge, of the toughest one around - both mentally and physically. To keep the mind calm, allowing the body to do what nature intended. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.


After delayed cord clamping, babies first magical feed and natural delivery of the placenta - I was so pleased to discover that I hadn’t torn or had any excessive blood loss (both of which I experienced in my previous birth).


Incredible. In all senses of the word. Intimate. A moment that I will treasure forever.

Our amazing midwife stayed with us for the hours that followed - checking both me and baby over, having a brew and biscuits, offering breastfeeding support, and even staying until I’d showered and got comfortable. I’ve got to say that the aftercare has been exceptional - my midwife always a text or call away, and that I feel was down to the amazing home birth team.

If you’re reading this and even considering a home birth - I highly urge you to speak with your midwife to explore the idea.

Sat here with my little miracle curled on my chest, feeling oh so very grateful.

Would you consider a home birth? Or experienced one yourself? Leave me a comment below.

Much love, Hannah x