Should I exercise when pregnant?


Whether you’re an avid gym goer or keen to become more active during your pregnancy to help give your baby the best start in life, you might have asked yourself a few of these questions already… ‘what type of exercise is safe?’, ‘will exercising harm my baby?’, ‘what exercises do I need to avoid’? Since your test turned positive *celebratory cheers*, it’s natural to want to protect your growing little baby bean, but did you know that exercising whilst pregnant actually brings with it a whole host of benefits!

For me, exercising in my 1st trimester helped ease any queasiness and it most definitely helped me feel more energised – meaning I was less likely to slump on the sofa, falling in to a ‘I feel sorry for myself and my queasiness’ mood… you know the one. Obviously our bodies are all different, so it’s important to listen to your own – but for me – exercise has helped so much!

The type and intensity of exercise you choose to do will of course depend on your pre-pregnancy activity and fitness level. Pregnancy isn’t a time to start striving to hit new PB’s – but equally, remember you are pregnant, not powerless – I love this little motto and have been using it so much right now!


Benefits of exercise during pregnancy…

1. Maintain cardiovascular fitness, muscle length and flexibility – I’ve named my exercise routine, ‘mission strong body’. Here’s my resistance workout from this week. 

2. Improved body awareness – as bump grows, your centre of gravity naturally shifts forwards, exercise helps you monitor this and be aware of the incredible changes happening in your body as baby grows.

3. Maintenance of a healthy weight – whilst weight gain is natural (and neccessary) during pregnancy, exercise can help you gain weight gradually in a healthy way, avoiding unnecessary weight gain.

4. Improved circulation – reducing the chance of varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.

5. Great preparation for labour, assisting post natal recovery – I’ll get back to you on this one, but this is what research suggests…

6. Feel good factor – when your body is changing in all kinds of crazy ways you didn’t even expect, a regular exercise routine offers consistency and the knowledge that you’re doing something amazing for both yourself and your baby!

If you’re just starting out, slow and steady wins the race – think walks outside, static cycles or a light weights session. I’d highly recommend seeking professional advice from a pre and post natal specialist like myself, who can guide you personally and give you a suitable, safe and effective training program to follow. Click here to apply for your pre-natal training plan, and check out my Instagram for pregnancy workouts!

Are you working out/ planning to workout during your pregnancy? Leave me a comment to let me know below…

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