New Wedges & Weights Strong Mama's Club!


Yes, you heard that right – introducing the…

NEW Wedges & Weights Strong Mama’s Club! 


Since becoming pregnant, I’ve loved documenting and sharing my bump journey with you all. It’s been a whirlwind ride – and when people say ‘it will fly by’, they were spot on! I’ve fully embraced all the incredible changes in my body and I’m grateful to have had a positive experience so far – we really all are wonder women! – but highlights aside, there have of course been moments when I’ve doubted myself, my ability to ‘parent’ and to be honest, I didn’t have a clue where to start with baby shopping. It’s a whole new world!

All you mama’s out there have been my saviours and I can’t thank you enough for all of your DM’s and emails offering me advice, from the best bottles to buy, nursing bras, car seats, and everything in between – you lot really are the best! So after getting message upon message from fellow pregnant mama’s asking me to share what advice I’d received, it got me thinking… we need a Wedges & Weights Strong Mama’s Club!


I put a vote out on Instagram to see how many of you were interested in getting involved….and a whopping 90%+ of you voted a BIG FAT YES!

I thought it would be fab to create a little space on the internet especially for all us mama-to-be’s and new mama’s to chat, share our experiences, best baby buys, workouts, top tips, struggles, and generally offer one another support – because let’s face it, most of us are winging this! …and for me, it’s been really reassuring to know other women out there, just like me, are having the same worries, fears and challenges. Plus, I’m also thinking when we’re up at 2am and can’t get the baby to sleep, it will be awesome to have a community of mama’s to reach out to who know exactly what one another are going through!

So yes, I’m excited for this new chapter to begin… and am even MORE excited to have all you new mama’s/ mama-to-be’s by my side along the way!

Please invite all your mama friends to join us… and together we can wing pregnancy and motherhood like a boss!


Chat to you over in the club x

Hannah MillsComment